Livre blanc: "La fonction juridique et de conformité au défi de la croissance durable"
"Facing the many challenges of our time, investors, entrepreneurs, and business leaders of all sizes are called upon to find a "responsible" growth path for their companies, for the professional communities that participate in them, and for all the stakeholders with whom they interact.
This injunction is a revolution. Without doubt one of the most important since the industrial revolution.
Like any revolution, it induces a structural questioning of processes, production cycles, value chains, organizational models and business models. And like any revolution, it is a source of numerous opportunities.
Whether you are aware of the climate emergency and attentive to societal evolutions, like most of our clients, or simply rational and pragmatic, the injunction of sustainable growth has gone from a moral requirement of a convincing nature, to an economic policy requirement. Adopting a sustainable growth strategy is no longer an option.
The transformative power of this revolution seems to us to be greater than that of the digital transformation from which it feeds: because it is guided by a political will that makes massive use of legal levers to achieve its ends.
The legal corpus on which it is based - initially educational, informative and reserved for very large companies - has become increasingly directive, restrictive and universal.
By obliging you legally, commercially, or financially, you are invited to effectively engage the fundamental transformations that it induces on all your business models and activities.
The resulting legal, ethical and compliance consequences are real challenges for economic actors. Mastering them becomes a competitive advantage.
Based on this observation, the law must be rehabilitated as a lever of economic warfare and your legal functions must be transformed into a lever of competitiveness and operational efficiency in the service of your responsible growth strategy. (...)"
Jean-Marie Valentin, CEO Legalcluster