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Increase your collective security within your ecosystems

And secure your organization in a sustainable way

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Mange risks
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Reduce costs
Secure processes
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Map your third parties

Manage your third parties in a platform logic.

Each third party has a real dynamic "profile" that can be used in all the routes and which collects all the useful data.

Entrust the screening tasks to a professional with our APIs to our partner solutions.

Manage your lawyers panels

- Request an offer from your lawyers

- Get several offers, compare them and choose the one that best suits your expectations and your budget

- Save time by centralizing your  requests and responses

- Apply your purchasing policies and  your templates

- Manage the compliance procedures of your customer / supplier relationships


Consolidate your POA and follow key dates

All data is consolidated, accessible and exportable in dynamic dashboards for:

- Follow the key dates of the mandates
- Facilitate data auditing, reporting and intelligence at the organization level as well as at the platform level.

Each employee quickly accesses their 
ecosystem management modules

The user accesses the module according to his data profile (cluster, company, country, language, etc.) on the web or via Teams.

He can choose the language of the application.


Each employee can receive reminders via the application and receive a notification email to alert them of a change or its report in the application.

Each employee can access their activity history.

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