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Legalcluster. Le cockpit juridique de vos collaborateurs

The collaborative platform for your legal, ethical and compliance functions, 
open to all your co-workers

You are a market leader and you know the business value of the legal function.

Make your legal & compliance functions an accelerator of your sustainable growth.


"Legalcluster provides new solutions to the challenges that digitization brings to our legal functions"
Sandrine Asseraf, ‍Group Managing Director Webhelp

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Legal and compliance teams
select modules to
increase their operational efficiency

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Click on the modules for more information

Each employee has access to what they need to carry out their activities in full compliance and legal certainty.

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Our four areas of intervention

Manage your organization

Digitize the legal and organizational structure of your group in the platform (legal entities, agents, organizational charts, useful documents).

The information feeds all the modules.

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Put your organization
compliance with the Sapin II law

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Manage your compliance programs and policies.

Offer your employees a tool that simplifies their lives and allows them to easily declare gifts, invitations, conflicts of interest, sponsorship in full compliance with your policies and programs.

Facilitate the management of your conflict of interest declaration campaigns and bring your organization into compliance with the obligations of the Sapin II Law.

Collaborative matter management

Manage your projects, contracts & litigation collaboratively with all stakeholders (with your lawyers, if applicable). Approve and sign your contracts easily. Manage your risks. Consolidate data for your reports.

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Map and secure your legal ecosystems

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Your employees and your ecosystem form a legal community serving the collective security of your organization.

Each member of your organization can count on the support of your legal functions with ease and efficiency while the people in charge of these functions spread the legal culture within your communities.


  • Manage and disseminate applicable standards,

  • Centralize and process relevant data,

  • Answer up to 77% of AFA questions by mobilizing data


Standardize and speed up approval processes

Map your third parties and your risks

Detect failures in one click


Reduce the time spent on your compliance declarations by 80%

Reduce your external legal expenses by 7% to 15%

Cut the time spent by your executives on their legal operations in half

via MS Teams
with MS Azure

Accelerate deployment & adoption

Legalcluster matches the architecture of your information system and carries the highest standards on the market in terms of SaaS for the Enterprise segment

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Les fonctions juridiques doivent aujourd’hui penser leur stratégie digitale et leur transition numérique d’une façon nouvelle, embrassant le désormais célèbre moto; la “disruption”.

Les nouveaux enjeux de la transformation numérique, nés de l’augmentation des problématiques juridiques, de la multiplication des outils digitaux disponibles et des perspectives de Big Data, peuvent apparaître comme des freins à l’évolution vers une “entreprise digitale”.

Ils impliquent un travail collaboratif toujours plus poussé, et de nouveaux modes de travail entre le métier de juriste en entreprise d’une part, et d’autres parts les fonctions opérationnelles, de directions, managériales, de cabinet d’avocat, cabinets de consulting et bien sûr de leurs clients.

Penser la transformation au sein de ce virage numérique induit une transformation culturelle de tous les collaborateurs concernant leurs périmètres traditionnels ou leurs activités digitales. Les nouveaux outils numériques dédiés aux affaires juridiques, font souvent l’impasse sur les leviers capitaux que sont la connectivité alliée à la collaboration. Fruits de l’innovation juridique et des évolutions technologiques, ils sont le plus souvent focalisés sur la numérisation, l’automatisation, quelques fois l’intelligence artificielle.

La plateforme de Legalcluster accompagne le projet de transformation d’entreprises en pleine croissance, avec comme objectif une maturité digitale plus élevée, avec comme objectif de maîtriser le risque juridique grâce à une plateforme modulaire et collaborative.

Pourquoi Legalcluster
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